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News and Reviews

Lumley Audio in Hi End Munich 2022

Lumely Audio showcases its new Stratosphere MK3 and Stratonium Arm in this famous annual exhibition in May 2022. We were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm from our visitors in our show room: Atrium 4, F211.

The major brands were used in the systme including HSE Swiss, van den Hul and Bladilus, making a best analog sounding room in the show

Hi End Munich 2022

Lumely Audio will showcase its new Stratosphere MK3 and Stratonium Arm in this famous annual exhibition in May 2022. We line up some best audio brands in our show room: Atrium 4, F211.

The major brands are as follow. HSE Swiss, van den Hul, Origin Live, Puritan Lab, Bladelius, Soundaware, Quatraspire, and finally Lyravox speaker system

Stratosphere MK III launching in Shanghai

Lumley Audio present its new Stratosphere MK3 in the New Year's Hi Fi show in Shanghai, January 2022. Our China distributor, Limin Audio showcases the turntable with Stenheim speakers and Balance Audio Technology electronics. A huge event attracts Thousands visitors and 150K online viewers.

The colours of Stratosphere

With the completion of fine tuning of Stratosphere MK3. The Red and Blue models are coming out from factory. This super deck can be made in any RAL colours by the choice of customers

Stratosphere MK III in the UK Audio Show

The Stratosphere MK 3 showcased in public at the first time in October 2021. At the UK Audio Show, we put stratosphere MK3 for music demos in Cambridge Suite. Many visitors and professionals enjoyed our show.


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